The mechanism of nitric oxide effects on the smooth musclecontractile apparatus ca2+-sensitivity of force development
O.Y. Andruchov, V.F. Sagach
A.A.Bogomoletz Institute Physiology UkrainianAcademy of Sciences, Kiev
It was investigated whether the SH-groups of con-
tractile proteins are involved in NO-induced relaxation
of saponin-skinned smooth muscle strips. Both, the
thiol-specific alkylating agent N-ethylmaleamide
(NEM), and thiol-reducig agent dithiotreitol (DTT)
induced relaxation of maximally activated skinned
rat portal vein preparations. The relaxing effects of
DTT and nitric oxide donor sodium nitroprusside were
not addіtive. After the relaxation, induced by one of
this agent, the effect of the other one was negligible.
We suggest that NO-induced smooth muscle relaxation
be due to decreasing of force sensitivity to Ca2+. This
effect of nitric oxide is realized by its interaction with
critical thiol groups of smooth muscle contractile
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