The effect of interoceptive stimulation on the protective barrier function of the stomach and on the malondialdehyde content of the gastric mucosa, blood serum and brain structures in rats
Sultanova ID
Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Academy, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine
The stomach chemo- and mechanoreceptors stimulation effect on the content of galactose, both general and that bound up with sulfated glycoproteins, in the stomach mucous membrane and blood serum as well as that of malon dialdehyd was studied in experiments on rats. The lipids peroxide oxidation and product concentration was also assessed in the trunk, diencephalon and forebrain. It was established that the chemoreceptors stimulation leads to a decrease in the content of galactose (general and that bound up with sulfated glycoproteins) and accumulation of malon dialdehyde in the stomach mucous membrane. The intensity of these changes depended on the quality of a chemical stimulator. The stomach mechanoreceptors stimulation caused an increase in the content of polymer glycoproteins and a decrease in the concentration of malon dialdehyde in the stomach mucous membrane. After the stimulation of interoceptors the brain structures showed an intensification of free radicals processes (diencephalon > trunk > forebrain), but the greatest content of malon dialdehyde was observed after the stomach chemoreceptors had been stimulated with hydrochloric acid solution.
stomach, gastric mucosa, blood serum, brain structures, rats
© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.