S. Kotiuzhynska, A. Gozhenko, D. Umanskyi
Odessa National Medical University
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz63.02.034
A clear relationship between the functional state of mast cells
and the heparin level in plasma in experimental hyperlipidemia
in rats has been revealed. It was shown that long-term
lipid load increases the activity and number of secretory mast
cells. We show the ability of mast cells to deposit the excess
of heparin when it is in the organism, that is evidenced by
an increase in the number of cells with high saturation level
(59,16±3,42% vs 33,54±3,27%) with the simultaneous decline
in the number of cells with moderate saturation level (by
40,63 %) with the simultaneous increase of saturation index.
Relative to control group.
mast cells, heparin, experimental hyperlipidemia.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2024.