V.L. Sokolenko
Cherkasy State University of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz62.04.053

The aim of this research is to study special characteristics of
immune system functioning among residents of the areas contaminated
with radionuclides, under conditions of additional
emotional load. We examined 350 people, including a group of
radiation free areas residents (control group, 150 people) and
a group of residents living in the areas of enhanced radiation
monitoring (IV radiation zone, the density of soil contamination
with isotopes 137Cs 1-5 Ki/km2, 200 people). All examined
are the students of Cherkassy State University, aged 18-24
years, at the time of research didn’t have any acute diseases.
The role of additional stress factor (additional emotional load)
was fulfilled by winter examination session. The first analysis
of immune system indices was carried out in the interval between
examination sessions, the second – after the first exam,
the third – after the last exam, the fourth – after two weeks
recovery period. Indicators of cellular immunity were determined
by immunophenotyping and dyeing on RomanowskyGiemsa.
The level of immunoglobulins in blood serum was
determined by radial immunodiffusion on Mancini. The level
of cortisol in blood serum was determined by immunoenzyme
method. We determined that leukogram redistribution in favor
of granulocyte fractions can be observed in the analyzed
group in the intersession period, and also the reduction of
the relative and absolute number of lymphocytes expressing
antigens CD3, CD5, CD4 and CD 16. Also, all examined had
reduced immunoregulatory index CD4+/CD8+ and increased
concentration of serum immunoglobulin G. Emotional stress
increased earlier revealed tendencies. As a result the relative
(23.41±1.01%) and absolute (0.28±0.02х109/л) number of T
cells with the phenotype CD4+, and immunoregulatory index
(1.04±0.03) reached values lower than homeostatic norm.
These indicators also show the longest period of recovery.
Dynamics of the analyzed indices in session and recovery
periods gives a reason to believe that mechanisms of adaptation
and deadaptation are better displayed for thymus-dependent
cells. Additional short-term stress factor intensifies immunosuppression
caused by living in radiation contaminated areas,
and creates the basis for regular monitoring of health status of
the population that suffered from the combined stress and for
implementing preventive measures during the recovery period.
radiation contamination; stress; cortisol; immunosuppression; recovery period
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