V.V. Kalnish1, G.Yu. Pyshnov1, E.V. Моisеyenko2, V.V. Оpanasenko1, L.M. Аlekseyeva1, L.G. Vysotska1
- State Institution Institute for Occupational Health of the
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
- O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz62.03.020
The article deals with topical issues of the problem of studying
the mechanisms of human adaptation to Аntarctic conditions,
in particular, the characteristics of the restructuring regulation
of cardiovascular system during expedition activity at
the Ukrainian Antarctic Station «Academic Vernadsky». The
studies were performed directly in Antarctica with the participation
of winterers, who during a year were surveyed monthly
by cardiointervalography and ECG. As a result of analysis of
variance of heart rate in Antarctic conditions we identified the
phasic restructuring of the regulation of heart rhythm of winterers.
The findings extend the understanding of the peculiarities
of realization of regulating the circulatory system during the
change of adaptation phases. In particular, the RRNN index
has a phasic structure and ranges ± 7-9 c.u. from the beginning
of wintering, and in the last phase is increased to -32 c.u. The
activity of the development of stress condition among winterers
reflects the dynamics of changes in the rate ІNt
which from the beginning of wintering till January ranged
from 2-5 c.u. by modulo, and in the months before the return
(February, March), the rate reached 46 c.u. It is established a
dominant role of the time factor in influencing the quality adjustment
of adaptation processes. While during the first half of
the expedition heart rate variability had a balanced regulatory
influence, at the end of the expedition an increased activity
of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system
and stress regulatory mechanisms were observed. This may
indicate for incomplete adaptation that requires the application
of methods of correction of functional state.
Antarctic winterers; cardiac activity; heart rate variability; adaptation; Ukrainian Antarctic Station «Academic Vernadsky».
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