Jezzini adnan abbas changes in post-traumatic locus host defensein patients during conservative treatment
A.A.timopeev, E.V.gorobets, A.G.portnychenko, K.V.rozova, M.M.seredenko,V.I. Portnichenko,
А.А. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, NASof Ukraine; Shupyk Kiev Medical Academy ofPost-graduation Education
Clinical investigation have been done in adult patients
with broken mandible during 3 weeks of conservative
treatment with aluminum splints (1st group, n=17) or
steel splints (2nd group, n=16) in comparison with
health adults (control group, n=18). The neutrophil
emigration into alterative locus and their degranu-
lation as well as phagocytic activity of peripheral blood
neutrophils were tested. It was found that aluminum
splint application caused the intensive inflammation
and then the depression of local host defense reactions.
Treatment with steel splints did not lead to neutrophil
function depletion or to hyper-intensification of inflam-
matory reaction in patients. The increased values of
neutrophil reactions were normalized in this group at
the final period of the treatment. The examined trial
ensures our accurate method in treatment of patients
with broken mandible. The determination of local host
defense state may be proposed as preferable simple
express-method of evaluation of immune status, treat-
ment efficiency and prognosis in these patients.
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