V.V. Garkavenko1, E.V. Kolosova1, V.D. Maksimova2
- O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology NAS of Ukraine,
- National University of Physical Education and Sports of
Ukraine, Kyiv
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz62.01.062

Using stabilometry study the center of pressure (COP) displacement
over the horizontal surface and power spectrum
characteristics of postural sway in the sagittal and frontal
planes (Y and X- oscillations, respectively) during an upright
stance (US) and under the conditions of body bents forward
and backward (BF and BB, respectively) were investigated in
a group of 15 volunteers. The tests were performed under the
conditions of opened and closed eyes. It was demonstrated
that the power spectrum of sway depended on posture, it was
greater under the conditions of body bents than during the
upright stance. In all three positions blocking of optical input
resulted in an increase in power spectrum as well of Y- and
X-oscillations in a number of frequency bands of body sway.
A significant dependence on the visual control for the mean
value of COP under the conditions of bents backward was
also found. Data on changes in the lateral oscillations under
the conditions of body bents in the sagittal plane showed
the essential role of ankle proprioceptors in the genesis of
the lateral oscillations at keeping balance during standing.
The comparative analysis of power spectrum characteristics
of postural sway in the sagittal and frontal planes under the
conditions of opened and closed eyes indicated a significant
interaction between proprioceptive and visual afferentation at
positions of body bents relative to upright stance.
stabilometry; power spectrum; upright stance; forward and backward body bent positions; anteroposterioroscillations; medio-lateral oscillations.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.