Z.А. Gorenko, О.А. Grinchenko, S.P. Veselsky, V.M. Baban
Peter Bogach Institute of Physiology Educational and
Scientific Centre “Institute of Biology” National Taras
Shevchenko University of Kyiv

Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the
pancreas, which is characterized by destruction of pancreatic
secretory parenchyma and progressing exocrine and endocrine
insufficiency. Usually these patients have complications as
cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and liver failure, and various
gastric dysfunctions. The data of clinical observations do
not reveal fully the functional state of the stomach and liver
in chronic pancreatitis also remains an open question about
the quality of the gastric juices and bile by this pathology.
Therefore our aim was to investigate the secretory functions
of the stomach and liver features in rats at the experimental
chronic pancreatitis. This pathology modeled using L-arginine.
Basal gastric secretion was investigated in chronic experiment
by aspiration method for 10th and 63rd days, and pancreas
and liver – in acute experiments at 13th and 68th days after
the last administration of L-arginine. It was established that
the character of the secretory response of the digestive tract
depends on the duration of the pathology course. On the
10th day the functional state of the gastric secretory glands
in rats with chronic pancreatitis characterized by twice
increase of gastric acid production but decrease the level of
hexosamines on 23,8% (P<0,001) that indicate a increase of
gastric content aggressiveness and mucus producing cells
secretory insufficiency. In these animals the rate of total protein
decreased on 61,7 % (Р<0,05). On the 13th day observed
the increase of pancreatic juice on 332% (Р<0,01), hepatic
secret volume on 74,9% (Р<0,001) and redistribution in the
cholates spectrum: glycocholates level increased but tauro-,
free and total dehydroxylated bile acids decreased. These
changes suggest deterioration of bile detergent properties,
inhibition of acidic pathway of bile acids biosynthesis and
conjugation of cholates with taurine. In two months total
deficit of amino acids in gastric juice correlated with exocrine
pancreatic insufficiency. Herein the acidity of gastric content
partially restored, while the level of protein and mucus
secretion proceed to decline. Consequently gastric mucosa
is more vulnerable. In these rats the rates of free bile acids
greatly increased while tauro- and glycocholates significantly
decreased. Thus the processes of hydroxylation and
conjugation of bile acids with amino acids inhibited suggesting
interruption of synthetic and detoxification functions of the
liver. The present work is important for comprehension the
pathophysiological aspects of chronic pancreatitis particularly
the digestive system functioning features at this pathology.
These data could be considered in the appointment of treatment
to avoid complications.
chronic pancreatitis; gastric secretion; hydrochloric acid; bile formation; bile acids.
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