T.V. Dovbynchuck1, L.V. Zakordonets, A.V. Putnikov, I. Vareniuk, О. Tiapko, N. Roslova, T. Sergiychuk, O. Lynchak, M. Dzerzhynsky, T. Beregova, G. Тоlstanova
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv;
- O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of
cephalosporin antibiotic ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg, i/m) and macrolide
antibiotic azithromycin (15 mg/kg, per.os.) on net water
transport across rat colonic epithelium. Study was done on
male Wistar rats (180-250 g). Azithromycin or ceftriaxone was
injected daily for 5 days. Net water transport was evaluated on
the 6th day by isolated colonic loop perfusion technique in vivo
on anaesthetized rats. Treatment with azithromycin increased
2,4-fold the absorption of water, while ceftriaxone caused
decrease 1,9-fold water absorption. The antibiotics treatment
within five days didn’t change the composition of the fecal and
colonic parietal microbiota. Azithromycin-induced increase
in water absorption was associated with upregulation of AQP
8 water channel expression (Р˂0,05) in colonic mucosa.
Ceftriaxone treatment didn’t change protein level of AQP 8 but
induced pro-inflammatory changes in colonic mucosa structure
and mast cells degranulation. We showed for the first time the
opposite effects of macrolide and cephalosporin antibiotics on
net water transport across rat colonic epithelium.
colon; ceftriaxone; azithromycin; diarrhea; AQP 8; mast cell.
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