T.V. Vovkun1, P.I. Yanchuk1, L.Y. Shtanova1, A.S. Shalamaу2
- Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University
- Closed Joint Stock Company “Borschagovsky ChemicalPharmaceutical
Plant “, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz61.06.053

We have investigated the action of quercetin (in a modified
form – Corvitin, ВСРР, Ukrainе) on the rate of blood flow in
the pancreas, liver and gastric mucosa of rats with acute pancreatitis
(АР) caused by administration of L-arginine. The rate
of blood flow was measured by hydrogen clearance method
with electrochemical his generation using Polarographs Lr-9
(Czech Republic). During the first 10 days after modelling of
АР in these organs it was observed a gradual decrease compared
to the intact animals in the rate of blood flow by 42%
(P<0,01) in the pancreas, by 61% (P<0,001) in the liver and by
64% (P<0,001) in the gastric mucosa, i.e., the most significant
changes occurred in the gastric mucosa, the least – in the tissue
of the pancreas. Compared with the control group of animals
with modelling acute pancreatitis which during 20 days was
administered only saline, application of Corvitin (5 mg/kg,
1 time per day from 11 to 20 days of experiment) in varying
degrees promoted to the recovery of the rate of blood flow
in all investigated organs: in the pancreas – fully, in the liver
– almost entirely and in the gastric mucosa – only partially.
Thus, based on obtained results Corvitin can be recommended
for partial or complete correction of blood flow disturbances,
which arise in the pancreas and other organs of the digestive
system in AP. Corvitin can improve the functional state of
these organs in the early stages of the disease and accelerate
the full restoration of their functions.
L-arginine; acute pancreatitis; pancreas; liver; gastric mucosa; Corvitin; rate of blood flow.
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