V.R. Khairova, M.I. Safarov
Institute of Physiology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, Baku, Azerbaijan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz61.05.065
Prenatal ontogenesis is a period of high sensitivity to stressful
impact, so any stressor can lead to changes of physiological,
biochemical indicators, behavioral and cognitive functions.
The most common and clinically significant stress factor,
which the embryo may be exposed during embryonic
development, is hypoxia. In this case pathological changes in
the central nervous system depend on the duration and severity
of hypoxic exposure, individual tolerance and the stage of
prenatal development, at each of which in the brain take place
the basic histogenetic processes. By activating energetically
disadvantageous anaerobic glycolysis hypoxia leads to excess
of glutamate emission and cell apoptosis. Glutamine synthase
is a basic enzyme that regulates metabolism of glutamate,
catalyzing conversion of glutamate to glutamine with ammonia
detoxification. The aim of the presented work was to reveal
changes in the activity of one of the key enzyme of glutamate
metabolism– glutamine synthetase - in the brain of offspring of
white rats undergone to hypoxia at different stages of prenatal
ontogenesis. Hypoxia was created by placing female rats at
stages of the pregnancy, corresponding to progestation period
of organogenesis and fetal period of prenatal development,
in the hypobaric chamber with exposure to 5% oxygen and
95% nitrogen gas mixture during 30 minutes per day. The
offspring obtained from females of control and experimental
groups were used for biochemical determinations in the age
of 1 and 3month. It has been established that hypoxia exposed
to pregnant females during embryonic organogenesis causes
significant changes in enzyme activity, particularly pronounced
in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum, as compared with
progestational and fetal hypoxia. Enzyme activity decreased
in a greater degree in one-month-old rats undergone to prenatal
hypoxia, than three- month-old animals.
Thus, stress during intensive processes of proliferation and
migration of cells of the forming brain violates glutamate
metabolism of the brain.
glutamine synthetase; prenatal hypoxia; brain; ontogenesis.
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