L.G. Korobeynikova1, M.Yu. Makarchuk2, G.V. Korobeynikov1, V.S. Mischenko1, O.B. Zapovitryana1.
- National University of Physical Education and Sport of
Ukraine, Kyiv;
- Kyiv National University named Taras Shevchenko

The influences of aging peculiarities in elite athletes on the
psychophysiological states on the stage of the maximum capacity
were studied. Three groups of athletes with different age
were studied. The first group was composed of the athletes aged
18-20, the second one included athletes aged 21-25, the third
group included athletes aged 26-34, and were the members of
the team of Ukraine in Greco-Roman wrestling. We revealed
that elite athletes of older age group were significantly different
from the younger by the presence of a large fatigue with the
decline of autonomy when forming strategies of sports activities
and more perfect the mechanism of autonomic reactions.
The aging deterioration of perception of visual information
in elite athletes of older age group manifested in a significant decrease of productivity, efficiency and speed for comparison
with the groups of younger athletes. Also, in elite athletes older
age group there is a significantly higher level of tension of
autonomic regulation of heart rhythm compared with young
athletes and the presence of more optimal activation of the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.
psychophysiological states; visual perception; information processing; age peculiarities.
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