O. Linnik, T. Drevytska, K. Tarasova, G. Portnichenko, V. Dosenko, I. Mankovska
O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology Natoinal Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv

The aim of our study was to find out the mechanisms of
cardiomyocyte contractile activity disturbances under the
influence of anthracycline antibiotics and curcumin correction
capabilities, to clarify the role of the mitochondrial
membrane potential changes in cardiomyocyte contractile
activity. It was investigated disturbances of contractile activity
of the rat neonatal cardiomyocytes under the influence of
anthracycline antibiotics (doxorubicin), and the possibility
of correcting these violations using antioxidant curcumin.
In addition, there was researched the role of mitochondrial
membrane potential changes in reducing contractile activity
of the cardiomyocytes. We established that doxorubicin causes
significant changes in all reduction parameters compared to
control: increased frequency of spontaneous contractions,
violation of rhythm, lower amplitude and the shortening %,
increase in the maximum speed of contraction and relaxation
without changes in duration of these processes. Compatible
incubation with doxorubicin and curcumin caused a considerable
decrease of the incidence of spontaneous emission (3
times), restored their rhythm, increasing the amplitude of 2
times and the shortening % (8,15 ± 0,37), rising the maximum
speed reduction to 1,8 times and the relaxation speed of
16 %, with no significant change in duration of these processes
compared to monoincubation with doxorubicin. In the
fluorescence study of neonatal cardiomyocytes mitochondrial
potential was detected a significant reduction in mitochondria
color brightness under the influence of doxorubicin - in 1,7
times compared to control. A compatible incubation of cells
with curcumin and doxorubicin resulted in an elevation of
mitochondria fluorescence (2,2 times compared to using of
doxorubicin only).
oxidative stress; cardiomyocytes; mitochondrial potential; doxorubicin; curcumin.
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