S.N. Pyvovar, R.B. Strutinskii, L.M. Yagupolskii, A.A. Moibenko
- A.A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology Nationa Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev
On the isolated preparations of rat aorta it was shown that the new fluor-containg analogues of diazoxide (DiazoFp and DiazoFm) elicit asodilatatory effects related to the activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channels. It was established that DiazoFp is a more powerful asodilator
than DiazoFm and diazoxide. It was proposed that DiazoFp action consists of two components: direct activation of sarc KATP channels and activation of sarcKATP channels, through activation of mito KATP channels.
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