V.A. Kovaleva, D.V. Shelest, L.I. Ostapchenko
Educational and Scientific Centre Institute of Biology Taras
Shevchenko Kyiv National University

The work is dedicated to the research of the content of lipids
and products of their peroxidation in rats thymocytes in experimental
ulceration. It was found significant increase of the
content of lipid peroxidation products diene conjugates (DC),
malondialdehyde (MDA), schiff base (SB) in experimental
models of gastric ulcers (ethanol and stress). It was established
that under ethanol gastric the contents of DC increases by 1.8
times, MDA by 2.1 and SB by 1.3 times relative to control
values. Under stress model it was observed an increase in the
number of DC by 2 times, MDA by 1.9 and SB by 1.3 times
relative to control. When ethanol and stress ulcers cholesterol
increased by 1.7 and 1.5 times, triacylglycerol by 2 and 2.3
times and fatty acids by 2.2 and 1.9 times, respectively, relative
to controls. Phosphatidylethanolamine content decreases by
1.5 and 1.3 times compared to control. Also, the stress model,
it was observed reduction of phosphatidylinositol by 1.3 times
and increased lizofosfatydylholinu by 1.7 times compared to
control. Therefore, our studies indicate quantitative changes of
lipid content (neutral- and phospholipids) in rats’ thymocytes
under experimental (ethanol and stress) ulceration. The reason
of this changes may be activation of lipid peroxidation, as
shown by the increase of lipid peroxidation products’ (DK,
MDA, SB) content.
peptic ulcer; thymocytes; lipid peroxidation products; neutrallipids and phospholipids
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