V.A. Berezovskyi1, L.M. Lisukha1, Ye.I, Stepanova 2, I.Ye. Kolpacov2
- O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kyiv, National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
- State Institution «National Research Center for Radiation
Medicine NAMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
There was conducted a research of the influence the sanogenic
level of intermittent normobaric hypoxia (INH) for children
lived in radioactively contaminated territories. The research
involved 106 children in the age from 6 to 17 with symptoms
of bronchospasm: 55 persons of the main group and 51 persons
of the screening group. It was confirmed that after the course
of sessions INH (12 % oxygen in nitrogen) the respiratory
system has changed. It is known statistically that in the main
group the indexes of ventilation lung capacity have increased
: vital capacity of the lungs, bronchial obstruction proximal
bronchi of large and medium diameter, and distal bronchi
small diameter. The bronchospasm has removed completely or
partially. It was confirmed significantly that the breath-holding
time becomes longer (test Stange) and heart rat reduced in
comparison with the screening group.
intermittent normobaric hypoxi;, bronchospasm; radioactively contaminated territories.
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