M.S. Pogorelaya
SI “I.I. Mechnikov Institute of Microbiology and Immunology NAMS of Ukraine”, Kharkov
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz61.02.087

The effect of preparations from embryonic chicken tissue on
the dynamic changes in the levels of interleukins: 1β (IL-1
β), 6 (IL-6), 4 (IL-4) and С-reactive protein (CRP) were
investigated in vivo, in the blood serum of white female
laboratory mice exposed to single total γ-irradiation in a
dose of 5 Gy. The experiments found that during the first
days after the action of γ-radiation the indices of resistance
of the organism undergoe significant destabilizing changes.
These changes are manifested by an increase in IL-1β proinflammatory
cytokine in response to external influences.
However, the rapid decline in its level during the first days after
irradiation reflects alterations in its production. The content of
the serum IL-4 in all time points was higher than in the intact
group. Moreover, the dynamics of its level during the first
days after the irradiation was observed. An increased level of
CRP was detected 6 hours after the exposure, indicating the
dynamic changes of the severity of the inflammatory process.
Administration of preparations from embryonic chicken tissue
causes a considerable increase in the content of IL-1β and ІL-6
in 3 and 6 hours after the г-irradiation, with stabilization after
12 hours. When using the preparations before an irradiation, a
significantly lower level of СRP was detected in comparison
to animals that did not get the preparations. When using
the embryonic preparations, the stimulation of synthesis of
IL-4 was observed, whose level increased in every time of
taking blood samples. Possibility for induction of row of
cytokines, in particular, IL-1β and IL-6, plays an important
role in stimulation of hematopoiesis and provides a basis to
consider this substance as an immunomodulator in pathologic
immunosuppressive states. The decrease of serum СRP level
can indicate the ability to reduce the severity of radiation injury.
In the experimental conditions, an embryonic preparation
exhibits inertness relative to the healthy organism.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.