E.А. Shepel, Т.Yu. Voznesenskaya, T.V. Blashkiv, R.І. Yanchii
Bogomoletz Institute of physiology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv;

The selection of embryos with high implantation potential is
the most important task in assisted reproductive technologies.
Today, this selection is based on subjective morphological
criteria such as growth rate, early cleavage, the degree
of fragmentation, blastocyst formation. However, the
morphological assessment alone does not accurately predict
oocyte/early stage embryo competence. Thus, the development
of an objective, accurate, fast and affordable tests to determine
oocyte quality and embryo viability could increase the chance
of a successful pregnancy and reduce the number of embryos
to transfer. The advent of new technologies, the so-called
OMIKS, has allowed to identify novel biomarkers that can
be used in cycle of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for oocyte and
/ or embryo selection. During folliculogenesis oocyte plays a
dominant role in regulation of cumulus (CC) and granulosa
cell (GC) functions, and it is consequently believed that
functions of GC and CC indirectly reflect oocyte’s competence.
Cell functions and active cell processes are regulated
through gene expression therefore, gene expression analysis
in GC and/or CC could provide a non-invasive method for
identification of the most competent oocytes and embryos. In
cumulus cells, genes have been identified that characterize
the oocyte ability to undergo meiotic maturation, successful
fertilization and early embryonic development. Among them
cyclooxygenase 2, gremlin 1 and hyaluronan synthase-2, which
play an important roles during oocyte development, ovulation
and fertilization. This article reviews the recent data regarding
these genes as potential biomarkers for selection of oocytes
and embryos in the IVF program.
oocyte quality; cumulus cell gene expression; cyclooxygenase 2; gremlin 1; hyaluronic acid synthase 2.
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