A.V. Kotsuruba, RR Sharipov, B.S.Kopyak, V.F. Sagach
O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz61.05.003

We investigated the resistance of erythrocytes from rat brain
venous blood to acid hemolysis in the dynamics of brain
ischemic period (15, 30, 45 and 60 min), as well as in the
early (5 min) and distant (24h) period of brain reperfusion.
Brain ischemia-reperfusion was made in rats that received
ecdysterone (standartized extract of Serratula coronata) within
18 days (per os, 1 mg/kg). Analysis of the kinetic curves of
acid hemolysis showed a pronounced (60 times, from 1.45
to 85.85 % at 60 min of brain ischemia and at 5 min of brain
reperfusion, respectively) increase of unstable erythrocytes that
hemolyzed easily (<2.5 min). In the preconditioned rats, this
increase was only 8- fold. During the period of brain ischemia,
with a maximum at 15th minute, in the venous blood from
brain the diene conjugates (DK) pools increased from 2.40
to 9.48 ng/mg protein and LTC4 pools increased from 1.49 to
5.98 pmol/mg protein. Even more pools of DC and LTC4 were
increased at 5th min of brain reperfusion. In animals received
ecdysterone, during ischemia and early reperfusion period,
both pools of DC and LTC4 in venous blood were lower than
that in the controls. The latter implies a possible antiradical
mechanism of the protective effect of ecdysterone.
lerythrocytes; brain focal ischemia-reperfusion; venous blood from brain; acid hemolysis; rats; ecdysterone
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