Association of allelic polymorphisms of genes matrix Gla-protein system with ischemic atherothrombotic stroke
V.Yu. Garbuzova1, D.A. Stroy2, V.E. Dosenko2, Ye.I. Dubovyk1, A.O. Borodenko1, K.A. Shimko1, O.A. Obukhova1, O.V. Ataman1
- Sumy State University
- O.O.Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of NAS Ukraine, Kyiv

There are results of the determination of 10 polymorphisms of
matrix Gla-protein system (gene MGP – T -138→С (rs1800802),
G -7→A (rs1800801), Thr83→Ala (rs4236), gene VDR – FokI
(rs2228570), BsmI (rs1544410), ApaI (rs7975232 ), TaqI
(rs731236), gene GGCX – Arg 325→Gln (rs699664), gene
VKORS1 – T 2255→C (rs2359612), gene BMP-2 – Ser 37→Ala
(rs2273073)) into 170 patients with ischemic atherothrombotic
stroke (IATS) and 124 healthy individual is (control group). It
is established that there is a connection between the IATS and
polymorphic variants of genes MGP (G -7→A) and VKORC1
(T 2255→C). The risk of IATS in carriers of minor allele A/A
(G -7→A polymorphism) in 2.6 times higher than in carriers
of the major allele (G/A + G/G), and C/C genotype (T 2255→C
polymorphism) in 2.2 times higher than the homozygotes of
major allele. The coincidence of patients T/C and G/G, C/C
and G/A genotypes, and A/A genotype (G -7→A polymorphism)
with any genotype T 2255→C polymorphism are increases the
risk of IATS.
matrix Gla-protein; gene polymorphism; ischemic atherothrombotic stroke
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