Experimental correction of metabolic changes in mouth at long-term hypoacidity by multiprobiotic "Symbiter acidophilic"
Manko AM1, Neporada KS1, Sukhomlyn AA1, Ghasemzadeh J1, Beregova TV2, Yankovskiy DS3
- Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine
- Taras Shevchenko National Universityof Kyiv, Ukraine
- Scientific Production Company «O.D. Prolisok», Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz60.05.099

It is known, that long decrease in gastric secretion leads to the development of hypergastrinemia, dysbiosis
and to pathological changes in digestive organs. Very important there is a search of ways to correction of
these undesirable consequences. Long-term usage of omeprazole leads to metabolic disorders in periodontium
tissues and salivary glands, such as development of NO-ergic system disbalance and activation of freeradical
oxidation, that are positively corrected by multiprobiotic of new generation “Symbiter acidophilic”.
periodontium, salivary glands, omeprazole, hypoacidity, hypergastrinemia, dysbiosis, “Symbiter acidophilic ”
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