Українська English

ISSN 2522-9028 (Print)
ISSN 2522-9036 (Online)

Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal

is a scientific journal issued by the

Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Editor-in-chief: V.F. Sagach

The journal was founded in 1955 as
1955 – 1977 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0015 – 3311)
1978 – 1993 "Fiziologicheskii zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
1994 – 2016 "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 0201 – 8489)
2017 – "Fiziolohichnyi zhurnal" (ISSN 2522-9028)

Fiziol. Zh. 2001; 47(3): 42-46

The research of biologicalactivity of hemoglobin peptide fragments in accordance withdeterminating block of general screening

T.N.zaporozhets, V.P.mistchenko, A.V.sanyk

    Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy,Health Protection Ministry of Ukraine, Poltava


There were studied the influence of hemoglobin peptide complex in different doses on indexes of systemic hemodynamics, ECG and visually cased potentials in healthy animals. In the dose of 10 mg/kg the peptide complex rolonged the time of the course of depolarization and repolarization processes on the miocardial ventricles with the increase of the systolice blood volume. In the dose of 1 mg/kg the introduction of the peptide complex accelerated the conductiong of visual madality stimuli on the specific afferent systems subcortex and cortex divisions of visnal analyzer.


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  6. Пивник А.В., Моисеева Т.Н., Карпова И.В. и др. Изменения внутриэритроцитарного протеолиза гемоглобина при онкологических заболеваниях //Гематология и транс- 2000.- 45, N4.-С.14-18.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.