Mechanisms of changes of microcirculation in rats under acute methemoglobinemia
Rozova KV, Sydoriak NH
- O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz60.05.043

It was investigated the features of microcirculation and mechanisms
it’s conditioned, under acute administration of sodium
nitrite in 5 mg of dry substance per 100 g of body weight. It
was shown that acute administration of sodium nitrite leads
to the development of methemoglobinemia, arterial and venous
hypoxemia, and severe tissue hypoxia. Increase in the
diffusion path O2 at methemoglobinemia is caused due to
significant hyperhydratation of lung air-blood barrier and its
individual layers, and is accompanied by a decrease in both
components of the diffusion capacity of the lungs for oxygen:
its membrane and blood components. It was revealed that the
administration of sodium nitrite has a double effect, leading
to inactivation of hemoglobin, as well as to microcirculatory
disturbances associated primarily with changes in the regulation
of vascular tone. In this initial perfusion per unit volume
of tissue per time unit intrinsic for the organism defines a set
of mechanisms which are responsible for changes in tissue
blood flow under methemoglobinemia.
sodium nitrite, methemoglobinemia, tissue hypoxia,the air-blood barrier of lung, diffusion capacity of thelungs for oxygen, microcirculation.
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