Influence of p-chlormercuribenzoateand dithiothreitol on the ca2+ content in the salivary glands and thearprotein secretion
N.V.fedirko, V.V.manko, M.yU.klevets
Ivan Franko Nataional University of Lviv

It has been shown, less concentrations of p-chlormercu ribenzoate (1 and 2,5 mM)
increased Ca2+ content in gland tissue and thereby protein secretion level that may
occured mainly by suppression Ca2+-pump or/and stimulation of Na+-Ca2+-exchange
(both in cell plasma membrane) through modulation of SH-groups which form part
of their moleculs. Higher PCMB concentrations markedly decreased Ca2+ content in
gland tissue as well as protein secretion. Effects of PCMB (5 and 10 mM), depending
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40 ISSN 0201-8489 .o.i., 2001, O. 47, . 3
on the direction of Na+-Ca2+-exchange functioning (Ca2+-efflux or Ca2+-influx), were
evoked or pressumably by suppression of endoplasma reticulum Na2+-pump (at
conditions Na+-dependent Ca2+-efflux) or Na+-dependent Ca2+-influx into the cells
that clearly confirmed when PCMB was added on the backgraund of eosin Y (specific
Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor). Possible role of potentialdependent Ca2+-channnels in the
mediating of PCMB effects is discussed. Introducing of dythiothreitol (DTT) increased
Ca2+ content in glands and decreased secretion level obviously by protection of SHgroups
of cell Ca2+-transporting systems and thereby diminished [Ca2+]i. Finnaly, we
confirm important functional role of SH-groups in the regulation of Ca2+-homeostasis
in secretory cells of exocrine glands.
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