Effects of decarboxylated L-arginine on morphofunctional characteristics of the erythron in experimental diabetes mellitus in rats
Ferents IV, Brodiak IV, Liuta MIa, Kulachkovs'kyĭ OR, Sybirna NO
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz60.04.070
This paper reports the results of a study of the impact of
the agmatine treatment on erythrocyte resistance to acid
hemolytic, reticulocyte count and reticulocyte production
index, erythrocyte surface architectonics in streptozotocininduced
diabetic rats. Our results indicate that treatment
of diabetic rats with agmatine causes a suppression of
erythropoiesis and increases the resistance of erythrocytes
against HCl-induced hemolysis. It was shown a 10% increase
in the number of young red blood cells and 35% reduction
in the number of structurally transformed erythrocytes that
are capable of restoring normal biconcave disc shape under
physiological condition. Our data demonstrate an improvement
of morphofunctional state of red blood cells in diabetes and
reflect the positive effect of agmatine treatment on erythrone
due to the glucose-lowering action.
red blood cells, agmatine, experimental diabetesmellitus.
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