Cgmp-independent effect of nitric oxide on contractility and intracellularcalcium level of rat tail artery vascular smooth muscles
A.I.solovyov, V.V.legeN.kyy, S.M.zelensky, O.O.moibenko, O.V.stefanov
Institute of pharmacology and toxicology, Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine,Kiev; Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Ukraine, Kiev
The effects of nitric oxide (NO, 10-6 M) on contractility and intracellular calcium
level ([Na2+].) of rat tail artery smooth muscles in control and under inhibition of soluble
guanylate cyclase (sGC) with 6-anilino-5,8-quinolinedione (LY83583, 10-6 M) are
investigated. NO-induced relaxations of vascular smooth muscles comprised
61,01 ± 5,56% of maximum induced amplitude of K+-contracture, and decreases in
[Ca2+]i comprised 66,35 ± 11,33%. Under the inhibition of sGC with LY83583
NO-induced relaxations of vascular smooth muscles comprised 29,41 ± 5,17% of
maximum induced amplitude of K+-contracture, and decreases in [Ca2+]i comprised
53,68 ± 16,93%. Thus, cGMP-independent relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and
decrease in [Na2+]. of rat tail artery is confirmed.
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