Testosteron modulationof herg channels block by neuroleptics
V.E.degtiar, V.N.osipenko, Y.M.shuba
A. A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, and International Center of MolecularPhysiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

The repolarisation phase of cardiac action potential is characterized by sexual
dimorphism suggesting the role of sex steroid hormones in the regulation of K+ channels.
Here we report on the effect of testosterone on blockade of HERG-encoded K+ channels
induced by neuroleptics. These compounds are used in clinics to treat psychiatric
disorders, but reportedly have proarrhythmic side effects, on HERG-encoded K+
channels responsible for the rapid component of cardiac delayed rectifier K+ current,
IKr. HERG was expressed in Xenopus oocytes, HERG-expressing oocytes were
preincubated in 1 mM of testosteron from 3 to 8 hours before experiments. The extent
of the blockade by neuroleptics in control oocytes increased with depolarization
correlating with channels activation consistent with open-channel blocking mechanism.
The ?N50 and A (maximal block) values for the haloperidol-, pimozide- and fluspirileninduced
blockade of fully activated IKr were 1,36 mM and 73 %, 1,74 mM and 76 %,
2,34 mM and 65 % respectively. Testosteron decreased extent of maximal block and
significantly diminished block voltage-dependance of IKr inhibition, it also decreased
the efficiency of block, with ?N50 and A values of 2,73 mM and 65 %, 2,08 mM and 59
%, 5,04 mM and 64 % for haloperidol, pimozide and fluspirilen respectively. Testosteron
treatment increased ?N50 and decreased A for all three agents. The largest decrease in
A was with pimozide and the largest increase in ?N50 was with fluspirilen. Our
results suggest protective role of testosteron (androgens) against proarrhythmic side
effects of some compounds.
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