Effects of Lys-form of plasminogen on platelet actin cytoskeleton
Tykhomyrov AO, Zhernosiekov DD, Roka-Moĭia IaM, Diordiieva SI, Hrynenko TV.
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz60.01.025

The effects of several forms of plasminogen on the state of
actin cytoskeleton of human platelets were studied. A ratio
between various actin pools, which were detected by immu-
noblotting, was taken as indicator of platelet cytoskeleton reor-
ganization. It was revealed that intact platelets contain globular
(G) actin and membrane cortex (MC) actin in amounts that
are 56 and 40% of Ilamentous (F) actin level, respectively. In
both thrombin- and collagen-activated platelets, actin is almost
entirely presented in F-form. Incubation of resting platelets
with Lys-plasminogen causes elevation of MC-actin level up
to 79% in respect to F-form content. In addition, Lys-plasmin-
ogen inhibits reorganization of actin cytoskeleton typical for
activated platelets. In contrast to Lys-form, Glu-plasminogen
affects neither platelet aggregation nor redistribution of actin
pools. Thus, these data indicate that cytoskeletal structures of
platelets are involved in realization of anti-aggregating effects
of Lys-plasminogen.
plasminogen, platelets, platelet aggregation, actin, cytoskeleton.
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