Effects of the prenatal hypoxia on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function and working memory in rats
Tiul'kova EI, Vataeva LA, Glushchenko TS, Pivina SG
Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St.Petersburg, Russia
A comparative analysis of the effects of severe hypobaric hypoxia in different prenatal periods on expression profiles of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) in dorsal (CA1) and ventral (dental gyrus) hippocampus and neocortex of rats, their stress reactivity and working memory has been performed in the present study for the first time. According to the data obtained, severe hypoxia in the prenatal period induces remarkable disturbances of GR expression in the neurons of neocortex of adult males but not females, that correlates to the disruption of working memory in adult males exposed to hypoxia on the prenatal 14-16th days. Elevation of stress plasma corticosterone levels have been observed only in the females subjected to hypoxia on the prenatal 17-19th days. Hypoxia in the females and males results in the differential changes in functions of hippocampus, as well as of other brain areas involved in learning.
prenatal hypoxia, hippocampus, neocortex, glucocorticoidreceptors, hypothalamіс pituitary adrenal axis, working memory
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