T(-786) --> C-polymorphism of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase promoter gene (eNOS) and exercise performance in sport
Drozdovs'ka SB1, Lysenko OM1, Dosenko VIe2, Il'ïn VM1, Moĭbenko OO2
- National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Kyiv;
- O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz59.06.063

Given the significant impact of the T(-786) --> C-polymorphism of the eNOS gene in the process of adaptation to physical stress, we aimed to investigate the effect of this polymorphism on physical performance in sportsmen and establish the possibility of its use as a marker of predisposition to the sport. DNA of 516 people, of which 195 qualified athletes and 321 people who had no experience of regular exercise was investigated. The frequency of genotypes and alleles of the T(-786) --> C-polymorphism of the eNOS gene in groups of athletes of different sports, the distribution of genotypes and alleles among athletes and those who are not involved in sports were studied. T allele frequency in a group of athletes on 6.4% (r(chi)2 = 0.03) than in control group. The association of the T allele of the T(-786) --> C-polymorphism of the eNOS gene with a predisposition for speed and power was established. In the group of athletes in speed and power sports, the T-allele frequency was higher than that in the control group by 12% (r(chi)2 = 0.002) and than in group endurance sports by 10% (r(chi)2 = 0.004). We found that the T(-786) --> C-polymorphism of the eNOS gene influence the power and efficiency ofthe functioning of the cardiorespiratory system of athletes during exercise.
endothelial NO-synthase, gene polymorphism, muscle activity, physical exercise, inherited predisposition
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