Features of cortical activation processes in men during auditorimotor activity of different complexity
Morenko AG, Pavlovych OS, Kotsan IIa
Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz59.05.041

104 health right-handers men at the age 17-21 y.o. were tested in the study. Based on the average value of the median distribution in all parts of the cortex of individual alpha frequency activity (IAF), men were divided into two groups: with high (n = 53, IAF > or = 10,04 Hz) and low (n = 51, IAF < 10,04 Hz) levels of IAF. In men with high levels of IAF, we observed more economical and local processes ascending nonspecific activation in the cortex and descending influences of the frontal zone, which is probably a mechanism to facilitate interaction between parts of the cortex. Men with the low levels of IAF have a higher intensity of use of non-specific activation strategies indicating greater subjective difficulties of targets and the involvement of additional mechanisms for information processing.
individual б-rhythm frequency, sensorimotor activity,power of the electroencephalogram fluctuations.
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