Mice myometrial contractility in conditions of mitochondrial functional changes
Ianchiĭ RI, Kaleĭnikova OM, Voznesens'ka TIu, Blashkiv TV, Bidzilia IuP
Bogomoletz Institute of physiology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz59.04.051

It has been investigated the temporal amplitude features of mice myometrium in conditions of action mitochondrial carriers inhibitor, the mitochondrial pore activator, calcium uniporters inhibitor. For the first time it is established that the functional condition of myometrium depends on a mitochondrial carriers functioning; the mitochondrial carrier is NO-dependent itself (on arginaze way of its formation); the carrier functions depending on mitochondrial membrane potential and mitochondrion nonspecific conductivity (mitochondrial pores).
miometrium, amplitude of contraction, mitochondrial carriers
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