Development of a prediabetic state under chronic alcohol intoxication
Voĭtenko VV, Konopel'niuk VV, Savchuk OM, Ostapchenko LI
Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine

We investigated the changes in key parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, which correspond to the clinical picture that accompanies the development of prediabetic condition on the background of chronic alcohol intoxication. From the analysis of glycemic curves obtained during the insulin-glucose test, a speed of glucose uptake by peripheral tissues increased at the 1st day (1.5 fold) and the third day (1.3 fold) of administration of alcohol solution. At the later periods, at 7 and 11 days of ethanol administration, a decreased rate of glucose uptake in animals with chronic alcohol intoxication was detected. We also detected an increased content of serotonin in the blood serum and a decreased (1.2 fold) serotonin content in rat brain during the whole period of development of chronic alcohol intoxication.
alcohol intoxication, prediabetic condition, glucose, serotonin, insulin resistance.
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