Perception, processing of visual information and resistance to emotional stresses in athletes of different ages
Korobeĭnikova LH, Makarchuk MIu
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine

Among the numerous studies devoted to the study of perception and information processing, no data available on the effects of age on these processes. In this paper we studied the influence of psycho-emotional stress and different levels of stress on the mental processes of perception and information processing in highly skilled athletes divided into two groups. The first group included the athletes aged 19-24 years (12 athletes, members of the Ukrainian team in Greco-Roman wrestling), the second group included the athletes aged 27-31 years (7 highly skilled athletes, members of the Ukrainian team in Greco-Roman wrestling). We revealed that the athletes of the first group had higher productivity and better visual perception and visual information processing efficiency, compared with athletes from the second group. This observation suggests a dependency of cognitive component of perception and information processing on the age of the athletes. Sportsmen from the second group had higher stress resistance compared to the older age group.
stress, psycho-emotional stress, especiallyperception, information processing, age-specific features.
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© National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 2014-2025.