Electrical properties of retinal ganglion cells of rats with streptozotocine-induced diabetes
Kuznetsov KI1, Veselovs'ka NM2, Maslov VIu1, Fedulova SA1, Veselovs'kyĭ MS1
- O.O. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- International Center of Molecular Physiology National Academy of Science of, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz59.02.003

On isolated retinal preparation from STZ-induced diabetic rats in whole-cell configuration the basic electrical properties of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) were studied. It was shown that on 8th week after STZ maximal depolarization-induced firing frequency is reduced and decay time constant of high-frequency stimulation-induced calcium signals is increased as compared to controls. The data obtained suggest functional changes in RGC of STZ-induced diabetic rats, possible mechanisms of such changes are discussed.
retinal ganglion cells, STZ-induced diabetes, voltagedependent currents, firing activity, calcium signal
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