Effect of chronic sensorineural hearing loss at several indicatorsof immune and endocrine systems of children 7–11 years
S.P. Beschasnyi
Kherson state university, Kherson, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/fz59.01.110

We investigated the effects of chronic bilateral sensorineural
hearing loss of III–IV degree on the performance of interleukins,
immunoglobulins serum and saliva, the functional activity
of granulocyte-monocyte cell immunity, evaluated the activity
of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system in children
aged 7–11 years. It was found that due to stress activation of the
sympathetic-adrenal system the function of granulocytes and
monocytes is suppressed, with a predominance of production
of anti-inflammatory interleukins. This leads to the dominance
of T-helper type 2. Products granulocytes and T-helper type-2
anti-inflammatory interleukins IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, IL-13 leads
to the activation of B-cells. Thus, in children 7-11 years of
age with congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss is a
decrease of non-specific humoral immunity dominated type
of immune response to increased levels of IgG.
Keywords: sensorineural hearing loss, interleukins, granulocytes,
sensorineural hearing loss, interleukins, granulocytes,phagocytosis.
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